Why Real Estate Brokers Should Share Their Expertise Through Content Marketing

Posted : March 22, 2021

Word Count: 819 

( 3 Min )

Your work fuels you, and through years of committing yourself to it, you have learned unique insights and angles that helped you master your craft. You are an executive making an impact on your field with a clever business model and a stream of products or services that your stakeholders trust. Content marketing brings all you’ve learned and accomplished into a branded, targeted campaign that builds your story while capitalizing on your experience. 

You can make waves in your industry to inspire innovators and demonstrate to stakeholders what they could gain from relying on your business. By positioning yourself as an expert, you will represent your company as a trustworthy, authoritative voice. 

So, where do you share what you have to say? You may post some news stories on your company website or send regular newsletters, but you could be missing out on excellent marketing real estate online. 

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Thought Leadership Over Social Media

As an executive, you’ve probably been given an earful on the value of social media for business marketing and increasing brand awareness. You have a team committed to sharing your company message and promoting your services. But what about you?

Executives who are active on social media, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, can make an immense impact on their business success. Your voice can make an impression on how stakeholders, employees, and other industry organizations view your company. You could boost your company’s reliability by demonstrating your industry wisdom and business values. 

Building Trust Through Content Marketing

According to a recent BRANDfog study, “82% of people are more likely to trust a company whose leadership team engages with social media.” Furthermore, 82% believed that if a CEO is active and highly engaged over social media, they seem to be better qualified as a company leader than those who opt out of engaging on social media. 

Establishing trust matters for your consumers and your employees, too. As a spearhead for a company, your employees see you as an expert. They’re looking to you to share industry insights and any company-related news that could impact them. Your presence through social media adds a personal touch to your business. It will help committed workers feel more connected to their executives, which will make them want to invest their time and energy in achieving your collective business goals. 

Increasing Brand Awareness

As an executive, your role on social media could set the tone for your business branding. You can subtly promote your company principles and services to your consumers more organically. Your personal account may develop a unique following of other industry leaders, coworkers, employees, and people who are curious about your success who want to know how you’ve built your empire. With this vast pool of followers, you can naturally spread brand awareness without making it seem like overt marketing. You can access passive consumers who may not have been seeking your company services but are now willing to invest in your organization after learning about you—through YOU. 

As you continue to share valuable knowledge and updates related to your business and industry, you’ll build brand awareness and gain consumer trust. You are the face of your company, and by sharing your personal voice, you humanize your business. Think of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, or Angela Ahrendts and Burberry, for example (both heavily active on social media). You can positively represent your business and add some personality to your platform. Engage with your followers, connect them with your company, and watch them support your brand.


Converting Followers Into Stakeholders

By establishing yourself as a Thought Leader through your personal accounts, your company will build a bigger following, ultimately leading to increased business and revenue. If your content is engaging, informative, and naturally leads your post readers to take action, you could be contributing to your business growth. Following effective SEO and web-writing practices, even through your social media, will improve your ranking in online search engines, driving traffic and ultimately increasing business. 

Remain active and engaged with your social media network by commenting on other leaders’ posts, sharing their related content, responding to messages, and more. You could bring further attention to yourself as an expert on your industry and your company. By following these social media practices, you’ll expand your network and get higher web traffic conversion rates for your company website. 

Your Article-Writing.co Thought Leadership Package

At Article-Writing, we understand that you have a lot on your plate as a company executive. Let us take the load off and represent your personal and professional brand through a strategically-planned Thought Leadership Package. We’ll share your voice over social media and create valuable content that will position you as an authoritative voice in your field.

Let our team of Article-Writing content marketing professionals help you establish the best Thought Leadership Package that represents you and your successful business. 

Book a call today.

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