Free Product Description Templates

Posted : August 12, 2020

Word Count: 1332 

( 4 Min )

You can read article after article about what needs to be included in a product description. But if you’re one of the 65 percent of people who are visual learners, then this knowledge won’t be of much use until you actually see what it looks like in practice. 

This article will help break down the different key elements of any product description, and product description examples that show these elements at work. So without further ado, enjoy these free product description templates.

Identify Your Target Audience and Then Speak Directly to Them

One of the first things you’ll need to do with a product description is to determine your audience. Every product is going to have a specific type of person who is most likely to purchase it. You need to make sure that you are thinking about who this might be so you can speak their language and address any concerns they might have within the product details. To see this in action, here is this product description template from Model Roundup.

As you can see, they don’t sidestep the fact that this product is for superhero fans. They know who is interested in purchasing this item and use lingo that resonates with their target audience.

Highlight the User Benefits

While the basic product specs like the dimensions, weight, or material type are definitely important in a product template, they shouldn’t take the spotlight. Instead, you want to put your user benefits at the top. People want to know precisely how they can benefit from purchasing your product and this information needs to be easy to find, just like this product description from Patagonia.

This product description template doesn’t just list generic specs. Instead, it puts the benefits in terms of situations that its users, who are largely outdoor enthusiasts, will experience. So they can more easily picture how this product will benefit them.

Don’t Shy Away From Superlatives

A very effective way of communicating the benefits of your product is to describe it using superlatives like “best [something] in the world” or “greatest [something] you’ll ever try.” But if you’re going to incorporate superlatives into your product descriptions, then you need to make sure that you justify them, just like Lather & Wood Shaving Co.

With a title like “best face wash for men,” you better have the proof to back it up. And sure enough, if you scroll down in the product description template, it lists the various qualities that make it superior to similar products.

Incorporate Descriptive Narratives

You don’t want your product description examples to read like a list of facts since this can easily bore your readers. Instead, you want to appeal to their imagination and love of stories by including some short narratives amongst the list of facts. This is expertly done in this product template from Laithwaites.

While it starts with the specs of the product, it also makes sure to appeal to the emotional side of visitors by including an intriguing story which consists of the history behind the product. In this way, it becomes more than just a highly-rated bottle of wine.

Include Some Social Proof

With product reviews being one of the most important elements to 71 percent of shoppers, it’s crucial that you let them know just how much previous customers are loving your product. The best way to do this is to make sure to include some social proof of past customers praising your product. And few people do this better than Gamebibs.

Not only do they include standard photos of their product being professionally modeled, but they also make sure to include several pictures of real customers wearing them out in public as well. This confirms that other people have used and loved this product. Plus, they also make sure to include a customer review section at the bottom of their product description.

Use a Lot of Bullet Points

No one wants to read a wall of text. So make your product description easy to consume by separating it into bullet points and short segments that can be easily scanned. This is perfectly done in this product description template from Oransi.

The entire main section of the product description is composed of bullet points that can be easily scanned to find information in a flash. It ensures that potential customers won’t be scared away due to a ton of sentences being strung together with no break in sight. 


Hopefully, you have been able to find at least one free product description template from this list that is helpful for molding your own product descriptions. But if you still need some help crafting the perfect product description examples, then there are other resources available. 

For example, you can always look for a free product description generator to help generate quick descriptions. However, a lot of people tend to find that these deliver underwhelming results. Instead, you should put the task of creating a product description template into the hands of professional copywriters. Our experienced team at Article Writing is always ready to put together some stunning product descriptions for you. So make sure to schedule a call today to take advantage of our product description copywriting services!

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